
If Munich was a person, it would probably be my best friend. And this is the reason why I decided to create daysofmunich. I fell in love with this city when I was 19, it was 2016. The feeling of leaving the underground at Marienplatz, walking up the stairs and finding myself in front of the Rathaus, probably made me decide to move here. So in 2018 I moved to Munich to study and decided to stay.
I am Alice, I come from Milan, another city that I deeply love. Despite being Italian, I don’t love pizza, but I adore sushi, pasta, coffee and chocolate. I like sports only when they’re a reason to socialize, so don’t ask me about gyms. If I could, in my house I would have a botanical garden and 10 cats. I really like clothes and I try to read one book per month. You might think I am always busy, but in reality, I nap a lot. I started daysofmunich because I take pictures of everything and I eat out a lot, so sharing it with you seemed like a good idea.

I am Susanna and joined daysofmunich in October 2022. I was born and raised in Milan, a city which I also deeply love. I have been in Munich the first time in 2014. After 8 years since the first time I was here, in 2022 I decided to listen to this city calling me and ended up moving here. The nature surrounding Munich and the beauty of this city convinced me to stay.
Ask me about pizza and sports, one of the biggest loves of my life (after my dog Argo), but don’t ask me to drink coffee together. I prefer tea and a slice of chocolate cake. The first time I saw people surfing on the Eisbach waves in the middle of the city, I realized Munich was the right place for me. I love swimming, surfing and nature in general. So if you don’t find me in the city during in the weekend, I am probably hiking on the mountains nearby.

Our paths crossed by chance one day in Milan and we have a lot of more things in common than it seems. The love for this city and the desire of sharing our favourite places with you are only a couple of them. We hope you enjoy it here!
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